hEY guys! Welcome to my totally fabulous blog known as Mango-Magawd! my name is GummieGirl and i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE candy i mean who wouldn't? I want u guys 2 post anything u want up cuz the more comments i get the happier i'll b and th happier i'll b the more posts i put up the more posts i put up the more fun u'll have the more fun u hav u'll go on my blog more and the cycle repeats idk y i spent lik 10 minutes of my time on that but whatever! if u guys LOVE my blog go on 2 Coco Juniper's (i will give her name later) and Darkhears (i kno it sounds emo but her blog is WICKED SUPA COOLIO!) and go on 2 my friend Jessie's website (i'll give that 2 u later 2) on my blog i'll b posting up different pictures of candy so and today i'm going with gummies as u can see from the pic!!!!!!!!!!!! i love gummies so if u have any other really cool candy you like i'm willing 2 post it up and write a huge post on it lik i'm doing here (hahahahahahaha) kk, well guys here's the sites 2 all their sick nasty blogs!
Coco Juniper: www.cocojuniper.blogspot.com
DarkHeart's: www.bloodthirst1.blogspot.com
Jessie's: er...i can't find hers at the moment but i will eventually!
yayaya, cool blog!
i still feel kinda sad that my old blog crashed *sniff* but this 1 is gonna b SOOO coolio!!!!
what about mine? *snif, snif* YOU HATE ME!!!! :( JK But seriously (sp)
I'M SORRY VOLLEYBALL PLAYER!!!! ur blog is sick nasty 2!!!!!!!! i luv da backround SO colorful!!! =D
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